Ʒƹ˾¶ƳE&J Gallo Winery ܲ칫ַ600 Yosemite Boulevard, Modesto 95354 California, US ַgallo.com ۾Susanne Buchmann ϵвƷGallo Family Vineyards; Turning Leaf; Redwood Creek; Barefoot Wine; Coastal Vineyards; Twin Valley; Frei Brothers Reserve; Starborough; Mirassou; Merlot Rosé; Dancing Bull; Summer Red 201020,500,000䣨9һ䣩 200920,000,000 010һ ꣬¶ƳƳSummer Red²ƷʺƾȽϵΪ10.5ֺ٣HeidiΪSugarbabesϵԣɫͷȾ죬Դ²Ʒ ¶ϵҲӢƳҺ죬ҪŮȺ壬صΧ“ۺ”£Ϊơ 2. ¶CONCHA Y TORO Ʒƹ˾¶ƳConcha y Toro ַܲAvda. Neuva Tajamar 481, Torre Norte, Piso 15, 绰+56 2 476 5000 ַconchaytoro.com ִܲãEduardo Guilisasti 201017,160,000 200917,319,000 2010ڶ ȥ¶ƳֲǩһЭ飬ʹòƷΪӢܻӭ˶ӹٷָѾƣͨصӪȫ ¶2.38ԪӲʣչ˼Fetzer 3. βYELLOW TAIL ַܲWakley Road, Yenda, NSW, 2681,Ĵ 绰+61 2 6961 3000 ַ: yellowtailwine.com ϵвƷYellow Tail; The Reserve; Limited Release 201011,230,000 200911,230,000 2010 Casella Wines˾콢ƷƻβһֱǰĴѾƳ̣Ʒȫʮҡ 4·ɴάROBERT MONDAVI Ʒƹ˾ 绰 +1 585 678 7100 ַ: robertmondaviwinery.com Ӫ: Kevin Conner ϵвƷNapa Valley Wines; Reserve Wines; District Wines; Spotlight Wines; Woodbridge Wines 2010: 10,400,000 2009: 10,500,000 2010 ·ɴά98굮˾450ӢĶTo Kalonũҵ“”ƺš ƳGenevieve Janssensȥʮ±Ѿưߡ־Ϊ“2010ʦ” Ǿƻ 2011-11-27
5. ˹HARDYS Ʒƹ˾ѾƣAccolade Wines ܲ: Accolade Wines Reynell Road, Reynella SA Australia 绰: +61 (0) 8 8392 2222 ַ: accolade-wines.com ϵвƷHardys Voyage; Hardys VR; Hardys Stamp of Australia; Hardys Nottage Hill; Hardys Crest; Hardys Oomoo; Hardys Chronicles; HRB; Sir James Sparkling; Eileen; Hardy; Thomas Hardy 2010: 9,690,000 2010 6. BERINGER Ʒƹ˾ƸѾƣ˹Treasury Wine Estates ܲRegal House, 70 London Road, Middlesex, TW1 3QS 绰: +44 (0) 20 8843 8411 ַ: beringer.com Ӫ: Matthew Bird ϵвƷ: California Collection; Stone Cellars; Founders Estate; Appellation Collection; Private Reserve 2010: 8,300,000 2009: 8,800,000 2010 7. SUTTER HOME Ʒƹ˾Trincheroׯ ܲ100 St. Helena Hwy, St. Helena, California, 94574 绰: +1 707 963 3104 ַ: tfewines.com Ӫ: Wendy Nyberg ϵвƷϼ顢ϼʫϡ֡㡢ұŵ; ˼׳ϼ顢֡Լ¡ 2010: 8,100,000 2009: 9,258,000 2010 8. JACOB’S CREEK Ʒƹ˾ӣPernod Ricard ܲ: 12 Places des Etats-Unis, 75783 Paris cedex 16, France 绰: +33 (0) 1 41 00 41 00 ַ: jacobscreek.com Ӫ: Matthew Bird ϵвƷ: ϵ: һƷ; ; 3 Vines; ϵ; ϵ: Steingarten ˾; Reevesŵϼ; St Hugo ϼ; Centenary Hill ;ƷϵУJohann; ϼ 2010: 7,065,000 2009: 7,800,000 2010ڰ 9. LINDEMAN’S Ʒƹ˾Treasury Wine Estates ܲ: Regal House 70 London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3QS, UK 绰: +44 (0) 20 8843 8411 ַ: lindemans.com Ӫ: Matthew Bird ϵвƷ: Cawarra; Bin Series; Reserves 2010: 6,700,000 2009: 6,300,000 2010 ھ 10. BLOSSOM HILL Ʒƹ˾:Ǽŷ ܲ: Lakeside Drive, Park Royal, London, NW10 7HQ 绰: +44 (0) 20 8978 6000 ַ: blossomhill.com Ʒ: Simon Lawson ϵвƷ: Blossom Hill Soft and Fruity Red, Crisp and Fruity White, Blossom Hill Vineyard Collection, Blossom Hill Winemakers Reserve Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Blossom Hill White Zinfandel and White Grenache 2009: 5,100,000 2010: 5,700,000 2010 ʮ һƪǾƻᡪлͶ̳ΪʳƷҵʱij |
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