上海沓莱进出口贸易-2018太阳集团网站(中国)·No. 1 in the world
上海沓莱进出口贸易-2018太阳集团网站(中国)·No. 1 in the world于2015年成立,主要从事酒类、木材(非洲木材)、钢材、建材、食品、海鲜、机械设备、汽配等商品的进出口业务。在国内外市场竖立了良好的企业形象,自2015年以来公司迅速发展,先后成立了葡萄酒、海鲜、钢材、木材等多个事业部,是一个财力雄厚、优秀人才聚集、充满朝气和发展潜力的企业。 在国际市场上沓莱以良好的信誉获得了国内外客户的信赖,目前与世界上多个国家和地区建立了良好的合作关系。公司在保持进出口规模增长的基础上,做好产业延伸和资本运作,逐步形成了进口与出口、内贸与外贸、贸易与服务共同发展,互相促进的战略格局,多元化的经营,推动了公司全面、稳健的发展。
Shanghai Talai Trading Co., Ltd. was established in 2015. The main business is imports and exports, including wine, wood(African wood),steel, construction materials, food, seafood, machinery, automobile accessory, etc. Since 2015, our company has achieved a rapid development and established wine division, seafood division, steel division, wood division etc. Now Talai has become a financially sound company which attracts excellent employees, growing with great potential.
Talai has won the trust from both domestic and oversea clients with good reputation and credibility, establishing partnership and stable cooperation with many countries and regions. Maintaining the growth of trading scale, Talai has shaped a well developed business chain, including imports and exports, domestic and oversea business,trading and services. Each branch supports each other and set up a mutual promotion strategic structure. Business diversification contributes to the comprehensive and stable development of our company.
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